Steadfast Supported Living locations are located throughout the State of Washington. Having the mindset to think global not just local gives our clients, family members, and guardians a wide range of opportunities for choices. Clients are given options in the location that best suits the needs for services and a quality way of life for independence.
Safe and Spacious Locations
Steadfast Supported Living clients are given the choice in the home that will best meet their treatment needs. When we consider new locations, we look in areas that will promote success for each client who lives there. The locations are safe and spacious, to promote that sense of freedom and independence needed to grow.
Different Service Levels
Our clients come from a broad spectrum of diagnoses and levels that may require different service levels to help guide them in making solid choices with an emphasis on choice and safety. We want parents, guardians, and clients to feel comfortable when choosing Steadfast Supported Living for the basis and emphasis on the success that is best suited for the individual.

Schedule and Activities
In each Steadfast Supported Living home, residents participate in several activities: Eat meals together with skilled staff. Study, work on homework, and complete school subjects. Get to know others in the household. Attend school regularly. Have fun, get exercise, work together, and learn by participating in indoor and outdoor activities at home and in the community.
SteadFast Supported Living Inc.
5224 12th Street Suite L
Fife, Wa 98424
1124 W. Riverside Suite 200
Spokane, Wa 99201
7401 W. Hood Place Suite 117
Kennewick, Wa 99336